Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) adalah salah satu bahasa yang sering digunakan dalam pembuatan sebuah template web (halaman web)
HTML tidak tergolong dalam bahasa pemograman, tetapi sering juga bahasa pemograman seperti PHP dan Javascript, dan sebagainya diselipkan dalam script HTML.
HTML berfungsi untuk membuat sebuah tampilan website (template website), atau pondasi dasar dari website.
Struktur HTML
Terdiri dari 3 elemen, yaitu:
1. tag pembuka
2. tag isi
3. tag penutup
<body>Definisi HTML</body>
Kode/ Script Dasar HTML
<title>Belajar HTML</title>
Belajar HTML Sangat Menyenangkan
Penjelasan Dari Kode tersebut:
- <html></html> adalah awal dan akhir dari file HTML membuka "<html> dan menutup </html>
- <head></head> adalah keterangan informasi judul dan jenis dokumen
- <title></title> adalah Judul Halaman Web
- <body></body> adalah isi dari artikel yang akan diposting, tag ini meliputi header, footer navigasi, sidebar, dll.
Software yang digunakan?
Apakah kode-kode tersebut dibuat di Mic. Word?
Tidak, karena file ini untuk membuat sebuah tampilan web, jadi ada beberapa jenis software yang dapat anda gunakan seperti : Macromedia Dreamweaver, Sublime Text ataupun notepad++.
Setealah disimpan, mengapa tidak langsung ke web browser?
Perlu anda ketahui, setiap file memiliki ekstensi yang berbeda, contohnya mic. word berekstensi ".docx"
HTML sendiri memiliki ekstensi tersendiri, jika anda sudah selesai dengan scriptnya, maka akan anda simpan dan diakhiri dengan ".html"
Bagaimana, sudah mulai mengerti apa itu HTML?
Semoga bermanfaat.
Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is a language that is often used in making a template web (web pages) HTML does not belong in a programming language, but often a programming language such as PHP and Javascript, and so embedded in the HTML script. HTML is used to create a look of the website (website templates), or the basic foundation of the website. HTML structure Consisting of three elements, namely: 1. The opening tag 2. content tags 3. The closing tag example: <Body> Define HTML </ body> Code / HTML Basic Script <Html> <Head> <Title> Learning HTML </ title> </ Head> <Body> Learning HTML Very Exciting </ Body> </ Html> Explanation Of The codes are: <Html> </ html> is the beginning and the end of the HTML file open "<html> and closing </ html> <Head> </ head> is the description of the title information and document type <Title> </ title> is the Web Page Title <Body> </ body> is the content of articles that will be posted, this tag includes the header, footer navigation, sidebar, etc. Software used? Are the codes created in Mic. Word? No, because these files to create a web display, so there are several types of software that you can use such as Macromedia Dreamweaver, Sublime Text or notepad ++. Setealah saved, why not directly to the web browser? You need to know, each file has a different extension, for example mic. word extension ".docx" HTML itself has its own extension, if you've finished with the script, it will keep, and ending with ".html" example: belajarhtml.html Well, are you beginning to understand what is HTML? May be useful.
Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is a language that is often used in making a template web (web pages) HTML does not belong in a programming language, but often a programming language such as PHP and Javascript, and so embedded in the HTML script. HTML is used to create a look of the website (website templates), or the basic foundation of the website. HTML structure Consisting of three elements, namely: 1. The opening tag 2. content tags 3. The closing tag example: <Body> Define HTML </ body> Code / HTML Basic Script <Html> <Head> <Title> Learning HTML </ title> </ Head> <Body> Learning HTML Very Exciting </ Body> </ Html> Explanation Of The codes are: <Html> </ html> is the beginning and the end of the HTML file open "<html> and closing </ html> <Head> </ head> is the description of the title information and document type <Title> </ title> is the Web Page Title <Body> </ body> is the content of articles that will be posted, this tag includes the header, footer navigation, sidebar, etc. Software used? Are the codes created in Mic. Word? No, because these files to create a web display, so there are several types of software that you can use such as Macromedia Dreamweaver, Sublime Text or notepad ++. Setealah saved, why not directly to the web browser? You need to know, each file has a different extension, for example mic. word extension ".docx" HTML itself has its own extension, if you've finished with the script, it will keep, and ending with ".html" example: belajarhtml.html Well, are you beginning to understand what is HTML? May be useful.